B and I started off our holidays with something that we have now officially declared a tradition...

The next thing on our agenda was taking the kids on the "Polar Express" train ride! What a fun night! It was just the five of us. The kids were so excited, and looked so cute in their Christmas pajamas, if I may say so myself! This has been the year of the "big question"....is Santa real??? We haven't said yes or no, we just turn it around and ask them what do they think, and so far, I think they all still believe, but Jake is a little skeptical. I really think deep down he knows it's B and I, but he still plays along. I was worried that when Santa made his big appearance on the train it might freak Ellie out a little, but boy was I wrong! She didn't even flinch! She loved him! It was a fun family night!!
Looking out the window at the North Pole...

The next week was full of class parties and last minute gift shopping! After that, we spent Sunday at Maw Maw's for Christmas with my Dad's side of the family. We used to do this on Christmas Eve, but since all of us are married now, with kiddos of our own and in-laws to visit, we have moved it to the Sunday before Christmas. Christmas Eve at Maw Maw and Senka's is a big part of my Christmas memories from childhood. One of my favorite memories is when we all crammed in and spent the night over there, and my brother Donnie and I decided to sneak in to try and see what Santa brought, not realizing that my aunt Janet and uncle Benny were asleep in the den and we almost got busted! :)
Yesterday we delivered some goodies to our sweet neighbors and friends, and today after a couple more deliveries, we are now home for good. The weather is cold and rainy, so it makes for a good day to stay in and slow down! My goal is to try and soak it up this year...every moment. Not to let the craziness get to me, and to keep my heart focused on Christ. It seems that I have this goal each year, but in the hustle of moving three children from celebration to celebration and all of the unwrapping and gift giving, I can get caught up, or even worse, grumpy, and before I know it, the day has come and gone and the moment has passed. Oh I pray it is different this year! :) So, I'm off to do just that, slow down and enjoy my kiddos!!
From our family to yours...Merry Christmas!!!