Dear Ellie,
Today is your second birthday! I can hardly believe how fast these past two years have gone. This morning when I came to get you out of your crib, I was singing "Happy Birthday to you..." and you started to yell "CAKE!". You are definitely your mother's daughter. These days you are very busy. I can't take my eyes off you for very long or you're into something you shouldn't be in to! Your favorite things are Elmo, Miss Pattycake, coloring pictures and painting toenails! :) You are very social and love to talk to strangers in the grocery store. Especially sweet old ladies. The other thing that we are noticing about you is that you really like to sing-all kinds of songs. Of course the standard Bible songs and nursery rhyme songs, but I caught you singing "Hosanna" the other day, a song off of my Passion cd, and you were actually in tune! You are also a very good dancer! Just today you and I had a little dance party in the kitchen. Those are some of my favorite times with you, when it's just us girls and we can twirl and dance together. I have so enjoyed having you as a daughter, and I look forward to the days ahead, full of girl-drama, hair catastrophes and long talks. You are a joy to our lives and you fill our home with smiles and laughter. We love you sweet girl.
Happy Birthday!