Thursday, June 19, 2008

Time For A Change

Okay, so I really have nothing of interest to post, but I was so sick of clicking on this blog and hearing High School Musical that I had to post something so I could change the music! I guess I could have just changed it without posting, but it would mess up the system of trying to match the music with the post! :)

So, we are really busy, but not really...does that make sense? We have nothing that we have to do, but we are doing a lot- of playing, swimming, hanging out, having Wii tournaments, and enjoying the moment. Have I mentioned that I am really enjoying the Summer so far??

I started the Summer Siesta Bible Study Tuesday night, and it was great. All of the girls in my group are great and I am looking forward to getting to know them. The study seems really good. I have only done day one, but when you are already convicted on day one...I'm thinking it's going to be a good one.

Tonight B and I have a date night - yessssss! I am pumped! I am loving these kiddos being home, but it's making me appreciate this date night all the more!

So, that's about it. Told ya I didn't have anything to say! :)
Enjoy the 80's flashback via Howard Jones!

1 comment:

pmartin said...

Hope you had a great date night! Love the flashback to Howard Jones! Paige