Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm Out...

Okay, I'm officially out...out of ideas, out of energy (thanks to the 100+ degrees temps), out of patience, and out of plain ole' "umph", the kind of "umph" that makes you get up and actually want to DO something!!

This is our last week of Summer (boo, hiss!!!), and while I really do hate to see it go, part of me welcomes the new school in honor of the new school year ahead, here are some of my favorite things about school!

*new school supplies
*a routine
*new school shoes! (do I still get some even though I've been done w/ school for quite some time now???!!!)
*new friends
*college football
*getting closer to my favorite season of all...FALL!!!

And in honor of our FABULOUS summer, here are just a few of my favorite moments from "The Summer of '09":

*swimming at MeMe & Poppy's
*visiting with the Cassels!!!!
*movie nights
*family bike rides
*our "rained out" Rangers game with my family
*the "Kacoons"-that's right I said "K-acoons" ;)
*movie day at the Glenney's
*playing Spades at my in-laws and kicking SERIOUS bootay!
*my weekend in Austin w/ B!!!

I could go on and on...but like I said, I'm too tired!!!!

Happy last week of Summer!!!
(whew...I need a nap! hee hee...only in my dreams!)


Mandy from Burkett Blessings said...

LOVE the new picture on your blog!!!! PRECIOUS!!!! Sounds like ya'll had a wonderful summmer. It's sad to end, but there's something great about getting into a routine.

terri said...

Ahhh....we made the list! YAY!!!! That was definitely a highlight of our summer too!!!
I've felt sad about summer ending, but this week - I am finally ready!
And .....I LOVE your new picture from the beach - sooooooo cute. :)

Mia said...

Hey I cannot believe how big your kids are! Yes I am serious. I am 15 weeks pregnant! The Lord had a fun but different plan than I did! I hope you are doing well...sounds like you guys had a wonderful summer!

Shanequa said...

Girrrrrl, that picture is so cute!

I'm ready for the routine, too, and baseball, and flag football and....oh, never mind.

Hope your first day goes smoothly.