Sunday, November 4, 2007

Do Over

"Do over!" is something my brothers and I would yell when we were young whenever we wanted another turn at bat, or another turn at any game we might be playing...and it was usually when we were losing that we'd pull the "do-over" card out the most. Well, I'm calling a "do-over" with this whole blog thing. I started one this summer, but once fall kicked in with all of it's activities, I jumped ship and deleted the whole thing! That's right, deleted it...not "took a bloggy-break" as I've seen it put...not just put it on hold, or even just left it alone, but deleted the whole darn thing!!! Which is probably attributed to my perfectionist personality that I just discovered I had by taking this personality test with B this afternoon! Who knew?? Well, maybe me...and definitely B, and I guess anyone else who truly knows me. The problem with that is I am typically way too hard on myself and if I can't do something exactly right, then I don't do it at all. Not a good thing, (and for the record I am going to be praying about this in the near future!), so I am really going to try and stretch myself with this here little blog. I may post daily, or I may not, it may be every other day, or it may be every other week, whenever I have the time and feel like there is something worth sharing! (with all 5 of you who may actually read this) I know, I sounds crazy to those of you who don't suffer from this ridiculous way of thinking that I would even have to disclaim this - (as if anybody will be checking their computer daily to see what I've posted)...but hey, I'm just being real, people!
So, here goes my do-over!!


Kthed said...

Welcome Back!! Yeah... for the "do-over"...

pmartin said...

Yipeee! You make me laugh...Even if you only post once a month, it is still special for all of us to see what is going on with the 5 of you! Paige

The Milams said...

I am all about do-overs!! Glad your back...I love reading about your little family.
Mary Katherine