Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Book Me Me

Terri tagged me with this Book Me Me...Allow me to preface this "Me Me" with a confession: I have never been a big reader. Growing up, I much preferred listening to music in my down-time, but as an adult, I have come to love reading and have been blessed by many great books. With that said, here are my answers...:)

1. Two books that changed your life: "Believing God", Beth Moore, "Boundaries" Cloud/Townsend

2. One book that you have read more than once: "Live a Praying Life" Jennifer Kennedy Dean

3. One book you would want on a desert island: "How to Survive on a Desert Island, For Dummies." I'm borrowing Terri's answer! :)

4. Two books that made you laugh: "Junie B. Jones" any of them, my kids love them, and I think they're funny too! Does that count as two??

5. One book that made you cry: "I"ll Love You Forever"

6. One book you wish you'd written: "Grace Based Parenting" Tim Kimmel, great parenting book, in my opinion.

7. One book you wish had never been written: I don't know??!!

8. Two books you are currently reading: "Grace Walk" Steve McVey, "Psalms of Ascent" Bible Study, by Beth Moore

9. One book you've been meaning to read or finish: "A Different Kind of Me" Ron Hall, Denver Moore, Lynn Vincent

10. One book that made you think: "Sacred Marriage" Gary Thomas

11. People I'm tagging with this......Shannon and Julie, (Julie, I know you have a newborn, but I also know how much you read and would love to read your answers, but no pressure!)
Please play along! Let me know if you do!:)


Shannon said...

Ignore my ignorance and tell me what it means to be tagged ... do I copy it, change it and post it on my blog? I how I wish I had this new lingo down?!?! love you for explaining my job!!!!!

terri said...

Ahhh....thanks for playing. Great list! :)

The Milams said...

I am doing the Psalms of Ascent study right now too. I am in the first week of lessons and loving it.