Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A Good Reminder

I am almost done with the book Feminine Appeal, and I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It has been a long time since I've read anything or heard a good teaching on the role of a wife and mother.

When I first got married and especially after having my first child I sought out books on these topics but quickly grew frustrated with them. I was reading them looking for a formula to fix the other person...namely B or my child- :) but I soon figured out that there is no one set formula that will fit every marriage or every child, and that in all honesty, I was the one that needed "fixing". Reading this book has reminded me of MY role in my home. That my focus should be not on me or what I think my role is, but on Christ and what HE says about my role as a wife and mother. I am so guilty of focusing on me and what I want-how I want to be treated by B, how I want my house to run, how I want my children to behave. And that, my friends, is life on the fast track to becoming one frustrated momma and wife! I have loved being reminded that my role is to serve B first, and then my children, and that serving them is my ministry. The entire purpose for following Christ's example of servant-hood and for following the example set out for us in Titus 2 is to bring glory to Christ and so that "no one will malign the word of God." I had never thought of it that way...that my role as a wife and mother can be a witness for Christ-not just to my husband and children-but to people outside of my home as well. My desire is to follow Christ in all I do, period...and reading this book has been a good reminder of my calling during this season of life, with a husband and three small children under-foot. :) Only by the power of His Spirit!

1 comment:

carye gillen said...

I wept as I read your blog!! I know that God is a Rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. You are a seeker and He has rewarded you with great spiritual insight coupled with passionate obedience! What a godly wife, Mom, etc. you are and will be by God's grace! My prayers are with you as I thank God for your witness--